Shredded Serpentine Belt on Volvo XC60 Causes Major Engine Damage!

Shredded Serpentine Belt on Volvo XC60 Causes Major Engine Damage!

All Head Services recently received a cylinder head from a customer for repair.

The cylinder head was from a 2010 Volvo XC60 with a 5 cylinder 2.4-litre diesel turbo D5244T engine.

The serpentine belt that drives all the accessories had frayed and part of the belt managed to get between the timing cover, which in turn caused the timing belt to dislodge.

The cylinder head was inspected and had smashed all the valve lifter bores in the cylinder head and bent all the valves.

The cylinder head was beyond repair and another cylinder head could be sourced giving the customer no other option than to fit a used engine.

It is a common issue for the serpentine belt to cause this type of expensive failure and it is important that the serpentine belts and tensioners are replaced at the correct intervals or when showing signs of wear.

Replacement intervals for serpentine belts and timing belt.

Up to Engine #884797

Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner – Renew

At 60,000km or 120 Months

At 180,000km or 120 months and then every 90,000km or 120 months

Auxiliary Drive Belt, Inner – Renew

Every 180,000km or 120 months

Auxiliary Drive Belt, Outer – Renew

At 6,000km or 120 months

At 180,000km or 120 months then every 90,000km or 120 months


From Engine # 884798 –  

Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner – Renew

Every 90,000 km or 120 Months

Auxiliary Drive Belt, Inner – Renew

Every 180,000 km or 120 Months

Auxiliary Drive Belt Outer – Renew

Every 90,000 km or 120 Months


Timing Belt Replacement

Renew timing belt, timing belt tensioner and timing belt idler pulley every 180,000 km or 120 months

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